Sunday, October 25, 2009

One week later.

The swelling in my lower legs is gone and I can almost walk without limping. The night after the race I found it hard to sleep as the pain was keeping me awake, apart from my head and arms almost every other muscle in my body was hurting. Walking the next day was very slow but apart from the expected muscle damage I finished the race in relatively good condition.
During next week I'll go for a sports massage and the following week I'll start training all over again starting at the beginning and focusing on building a strong endurance base up until the end of the year.
My training year usualy finishes with the Dublin Marathon which is tomorrow and even though I'm not taking part it will still be my years end. A training programme needs to have a starting and finishing point and mine ends with this race as it's a regular on my calendar.


  1. Found your blog by accident, glad I did. Great race report and congrats on the 24 hr run! I only started running about 18 months ago and am training for my first marathon in Feb 2010. I (for some crazy reason) am interested in ultra running. Reading your blog is an inspiration, thanks for sharing!

  2. Well Done John, congratultions on your most recent achievement. Best of luck with your winter training. Well done also to your wing man Tony
