Monday Feb 04th . HRV= 72 White.

Short Trail run of 11K with the same 6K climb as last Saturday’s run. The purpose of this session was leg strength and to get the most from it I checked my kilometre splits from Saturday and aimed to run each of them harder. All my splits were faster except for the. 6th K up the steepest section when I paid the price for the earlier pace. Recovered on a 1K downhill and then pushed it all the way to the end. I was half tempted to do a second loop but decided it best to leave it and was happy knowing I could keep going. Rehydrated with coconut water and after getting home I had a glass of cherry juice concentrate (Cherrygood) before dinner. Rested for a while and then it was time for part 2 which included 7K steady state on the track as part of a 14K run. Felt tired during this run and the headwind on one side of the track didn’t help.
Body Weight: 73Kg
Plan for tomorrow is an early strength session.
Tuesday Feb 05th . HRV= 67 White.

Early strength session of some basic core exercises, 2 sets of walking lunges with dumbbells (24 per set) 3*5 reps of Box Squats (Deep) with 47.5Kg and 3*3 Deadlift with 100Kg. Tough work and felt strong when it finished.
Recovery run at lunchtime of 7.5K keeping my HR under 125bpm.
Plan for tomorrow will depend on HRV but I’m hoping to be on form for a Tempo run.
Wednesday Feb 06th . HRV= 78 Green.

A great result but I’ve a mild case of the DOMS so I may not be on form to make the most of it. Recovery run at lunchtime to try loosen my legs out for a Tempo or Interval Session later. Feeling much better as the day went on and did a quick turnaround after getting home from work, got changed and drank a serving of Cherry Juice (Cherrygood) and was on my way to the track within 30 minutes. Extended my warm up as it was quite cold and then did a session of 5*1K with 2 mins rest between for a total of 14K. The session was very manageable and my heart rate never reached into my 5K race zone.
Plan for tomorrow is a runmute (running commute) to work.
Thursday Feb 07th . HRV= 64 Amber.

Alarm went off at 6am and took a quick look out the window to check the weather, cars covered in ice and footpaths look slippy so it’s back to bed. After checking my HRV I don’t feel so bad about missing an early run and will settle for a recovery run today. Lunchtime recovery run in the rain and no problem keeping the heart rate low at a comfortable pace. That’ll be all for today as I’m coaching this evening and dropping / collecting my son from soccer training.
Plan for tomorrow will depend on HRV and how I feel but I’m thinking it’ll be either a Medium distance MAF session or a shorter interval session with longer warm up.
Friday Feb 08th . HRV= 73 White.

A good result and I’m now thinking that I’ll run hard today. Lunchtime run didn’t happen as I ended up meeting a friend of lunch and something else after work meant today became a rest day.
Plan for tomorrow is an early run over an undulating route or an interval session.
Saturday Feb 09th . HRV= 56 Amber.

Unexpected so I’ll keep it easy today. Had a 45 minute window of opportunity while my son was warming up for a soccer match so I hit the track which just happens to be decide the track. Ran a few easy laps and then tested the engine by running a little bit faster. Got carried away after my unplanned rest day yesterday and did 5*1k intervals without stressing myself.
Plan for tomorrow is a Trail Run along the Wicklow Way with some friends preparing for the Wicklow Way Ultra.
Sunday Feb 10th . HRV= 62 Red.

Not what I wanted and looks like I’m paying the price for yesterday. My problem now is that plans have been made and I’ve friends making a 3hr journey from Belfast so the run will happen. Started the morning with a
Beet it shot and an early breakfast of a small bowl of porridge with raisins and
coconut oil plus a cup of coffee. As a self preservation compromise I decided to try keep my heart rate as low as possible. The run was tough but enjoyable with a lot of wind and rain making the underfoot conditions difficult and there were times that we were running on trails that had become rivers. Ran strong for most of it but fell behind on the last 2 climbs as I just didn’t have the leg strength to maintain the pace. In hindsight that might have worked to my advantage as the slower pace on the climbs kept my HR at the lower end of my aerobic zone. Finished the run with a serving of
Cherry Juice which and had the same when I got home as it’s all about the recovery now.
I’m expecting a forced rest day tomorrow but if the signs are good I’ll run.
Weekly Summary

A good week and if I feel good early next week I’ll be running a 50K trail race on Saturday. With the race in mind I’ll leave out the gym sessions to avoid having the DOMS.
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